Privacy Policy

Updated 27.06.2024

About this policy

Your privacy is important to us. This is our Privacy Policy and it sets out how The Digit Hive (ABN: 79 644 586 872, CAN: 644 586 872) and our related entities (‘We’, ‘us’ and ‘our’) collect, use and disclose your personal information.

We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth) (‘the Act’). The principles are designed to protect the privacy of individuals by regulating the way personal information is managed by Australian businesses. Personal information is any information that allows an individual to be personally identified.

We are bound by and acknowledge the importance of the Notifiable Data Breach Scheme, which has been addressed by us in our Data Breach Response Plan.

You do not have to provide us with your personal information. However, if you do not, we may not be able to provide you with information or services you request or important notices in relation to our provision of and your use of our products or services.

By visiting our website, applying for, or using any of our services or providing us with your information, you agree to your information being collected, held, used, and disclosed as set out in this Privacy Policy.

The information we collect

We collect information that is reasonably necessary for us to provide you with the services or products you have requested from us, and to manage our obligations to you under any customer contract or applicable law. Some of the services or products may include:

  • Financial Management Services, Finance Business Partnering Services, Virtual CFO Services, Business Start-up Services, Business Support Services, Taxation Services;
  • Marketing purposes and to provide you with information about products and services that may be of interest to you;
  • Improvements to the products and services we provide; and
  • Enabling us to conduct our business, including meeting our legal and regulatory obligations.

We will only collect your sensitive information if you have provided us with consent to do so. Where practicable, we will give you the option of interacting with us anonymously.4

The information we collect and hold generally includes:

  • Names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, other contact details, payment details, occupation, household details, date of birth, drivers licence number, financial information, employment references, rental references, personal references, and other information to assist us in conducting our business, providing and marketing our products and services;
  • Identity documents so we can verify your identity;
  • Information about staff and directors, as required in the normal course of human resource management and the operation of a business; and
  • Information about current and previous suppliers and clients with whom we have dealings.

However, we may also collect and hold other information required to provide services or assistance to you, including your emergency contact details, sensitive information, and information necessary to assess your creditworthiness.

How we collect your information

We may collect your information in various ways, including via telephone, our website, third-party websites or software suppliers, hard copy forms or email, face-to-face meetings including inspections or interviews, third parties, community events, sponsorships, referrals through our related entities or strategic partners, social media channels.

We only collect personal information by lawful and fair means. By providing personal information to us, you consent to us collecting and storing this information as well as further information as may be provided by you in order that we may follow up your enquiries and best service your needs.

Whenever you choose to deal with us directly, we will collect this information directly from you. However, there may be occasions when we collect your information from someone else. This may include contracted service providers, agents acting on our behalf or related entities and/or anyone you have authorised to deal with us on your behalf.

By subscribing to the forms on our website, you are actively asking us to supply you with information about our services and we will do this through the method of contact provided by you, which may be phone or email.

On all occasions, your information is collected, held, used, and disclosed by us in accordance with this policy and applicable Australian Privacy Principles.

We may also seek to collect information about someone else from you. However, you must not provide us with information about another person unless you have clear consent from that person to do so, let them know about this Privacy Policy, and where to find it.

How we use your information

We only use your information for the purpose for which it was provided to us, related purposes that you would reasonably expect and as permitted or required by law. Such purposes include:

  • Responding to your inquiries;
  • Maintaining/administering your account and processing payments you have authorised;
  • Communicating with you about works that may affect you;
  • Processing your survey or questionnaire responses for the purpose(s) notified in the survey or questionnaire (where you have chosen to participate);
  • For market research and programs so that we can improve our services and meet our customers’ needs;
  • Analysing broader market trends and demographics so that we may best serve our customers in the future;
  • Providing you with marketing information regarding other products and services (of ours or of a third party) which we believe may be of interest to you, but not if you have opted out from receiving such information;
  • Reporting to our owners or their shareholders;
  • Quality assurance and training purposes;
  • In the ordinary course of conducting our business. For example, supplying services such as assisting with officiating ceremonies, responding to your enquiries and feedback, and providing information about our events, news, publications and products and services that may be of interest to you;
  • Performing general administration, reporting and management functions. For example, invoicing and account management, payment processing, risk management, training, quality assurance and managing suppliers;
  • Employment-related purposes, such as recruiting and providing services to staff;
  • As part of a sale (or proposed sale) of all or part of our business;
  • Other purposes related to or in connection with our business, including meeting our legal and contractual obligations to third parties and for internal corporate governance purposes; and
  • Any other purposes identified at the time of collecting your information.

We may disclose your personal information to government agencies, our service providers, agents, contractors, business partners and other recipients from time to time, only if one or more of the following apply:

  • You have given consent.
  • You would reasonably expect us to use or disclose your personal information in this way.
  • We are authorised or required to do so by law.
  • Disclosure will lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual, or to public safety.
  • Where another permitted general situation or permitted health situation exception applies.
  • Disclosure is reasonably necessary for a law enforcement-related activity.
  • However, we will only use your sensitive information for the purposes for which it was initially collected, other directly related purposes or purposes to which you otherwise consent.

If you are not a customer (for example, if you are a supplier or other third party), your information will only be used for the specific purpose for which it was provided to us unless you have given consent to other uses.

How we disclose your information

We may disclose your information to our related entities and third parties who provide services to us or on our behalf, including:

  • Government bodies, regulators, law enforcement agencies and any other parties where required or otherwise permitted by law;
  • Other service providers where necessary to cross-check the accuracy of your contact details;
  • Our related entities and third parties who provide services to us, or to you on your behalf, including:
    • Parties that help operate and maintain our IT infrastructure and other business assets;
    • Parties that manage customer accounts and billing;
    • Parties that are our business partners, joint venturers, strategic partners or agents;
    • External IT service providers, infrastructure and other third-party service providers;
    • Mailing houses and marketing companies;
    • As part of a sale (or proposed sale) of all or part of our business. For example, we may disclose information to our external advisers, to potential and actual bidders and to their external advisors;
    • In the case of claims (or likely claims), assessors, repairers, builders and investigators;
    • Parties that assess creditworthiness or assist in recovery against you if you are in breach of your obligations; and
  • Other entities that may offer you related products or services if you have not opted out to receive such information.

We will only disclose your sensitive information for the purposes for which it was initially collected, other directly related purposes or purposes to which you consent.

We may disclose, and you consent to us disclosing, your personal information among the entities that comprise Us and to any of our related bodies corporate or related entities (as both are described in the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)) whether located in Australia or overseas. If we disclose your personal information to a Related Body Corporate, your information will be collected, stored, used, and disclosed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the APPs.

We may disclose personal information to overseas recipients including but not limited to contracted service providers or related bodies corporate or related entities based outside Australia for processing, storage or back-up. Overseas recipients are generally located in The Philippines.

We will take reasonable steps (e.g., contractual measures) to ensure that these providers comply with applicable Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’). Further, certain contracted service providers may enter arrangements with overseas providers from time to time. We recommend that you view their privacy policies for details.

Any overseas disclosure does not affect our commitment to safeguarding your personal information. Where reasonable in the circumstances, our contracts with overseas recipients oblige them to comply with the APPs and the Act. However, you acknowledge that, in agreeing to the disclosure of your information to overseas recipients, we will not be required to take further reasonable steps to ensure overseas recipients’ compliance with the APPs in relation to your information and we will not be liable to you for any breach of the APPs by those overseas recipients.

Meet Shwetha Arun

Certified Public Accountant with over 15 years of experience in accounting. Specialist in management accounting and R&D taxation. Shwetha brings a wealth of knowledge and a strategic approach to financial management, ensuring our clients receive the highest level of service and insight.